
Self Host to protect your customer data

Most AI models you use, use your data for training. They live with mantra "ask for forgiveness, rather than permission". Your however cannot take the risk with your customer data, therefore we launched this. We can protect you in 2 ways. Firstly, by using Open source Large Language Models and Secondly, by deploying it for you in you servers

Always picks up the phone immediately
Uninterrupted 24/7 availability
Handles 1000s of calls simultaneouslys
Answers all customer questions
Real-time order status updates

Hero CallSupport




Chat Messages


Hours saved



Mission and Values

Our mission

We believe customer has right to their data and they should be protected. Most companies charge you fee to use their product and train on your data. We do not want software to go this direction. It has to be distributed, rather than 2-3 American companies hoarding on all data, that exists out there.

Our values

Etiam tellus tortor, mattis id mauris et, lobortis ullamcorper nunc.


We empower you, to server your customers the best

Innovation and adaptability

We believe in innovation and bringing the best and latest AI solutions to you.

Quality assurance

Extremely high quality for you and your customers

Ethical and responsible design

We protect your customer data and give you all the power.

Customer comments

Our success stories

Saad Saeed

Saad Saeed

CEO Layla

" After integrating CallSupport, we have seen substantial increase in customer engagement and sales leads. Many users who we would have otherwise lost are ... "

Teodor Rupi

Teodor Rupi

CTO allO

" Its a game changer for our business. This is substantially more accurate than any other chatbot in the market. Increasing our Lead satisfaction has be... "

Yassin Baum

Yassin Baum


" Took just 2 minute to integrate this tool with our servers. Customers love it and satisfaction has been through the roof... "


CallSupport Enterprise LLM 2024. All rights reserved.